Brigitte Frey founded SOFDI (Sustainable Organic Farming and Development Initiatives) in 2005. Brigitte started visiting Kenya in 1968 and, together with her husband, played an important role in developing the Kenyan safari tourism industry.
For many years, Brigitte supported various humanitarian organizations in the country. However, having been very disappointed by the lack of sustainable impact and transparency, she decided to found her own organization on a small scale in 2005. Having gained vast experience and learned what really works in the field, the organization has grown during the last few years and continues to grow at a good pace. Since the very beginning, Brigitte has been actively involved in the management of SOFDI. Made possible through modern communication technology, she closely works with a motivated and energetic local team on a daily basis.
SOFDI is funded by the Frey family foundation ¨A BETTER WORLD¨, which is based in Switzerland. The foundation is highly result-orientated and seeks the highest possible sustainable impact with the family funds invested.