
Francis Oronje, Ebushirika Group

Francis Oronje Ebushirika Group Khwisero Sub County Telephone 071 484 7174 Francis is 33 years old, married, with 3 children in Primary School. Francis attended one of the Agriculture Education Training Programs organized by SOFDI in 2014. A neighbor who had been trained earlier by SOFDI had invited Francis to visit his farm. Francis was very impressed by what he  Read More...

ROSE OCHIENG, Jiinue Organic Farmer Group

ROSE OCHIENG, Jiinue Organic Farmer Group, Emuhaya Sub County Tel: 071 130 64 15 To many subsistence farmers SOFDI means a lot in their life, but to Rose it is a hand that God gave her when she had lost all hope in her life. When her husband died in the year 2001, life gave her no reason for happiness.  Read More...


STEPHEN OMURAKAYWA SIMON, SOFDI LEADFARMER EBUSHIRIKA GROUP KILINGILI Telephone 0727 380 972 I, Stephen Omurakaywa Simon, SOFDI lead farmer from Khwisero  sub-county  Kakamega  county, near Misango Hills,  have  experienced  a  great  change  in  my  life, after getting  linked  with  Sustainable  Organic  Farming  Development  Initiative. My  life  has  never  remained  the  same with the  knowledge  and  skills  empowered  by  SOFDI. As   Read More...